Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Monday, January 26, 2009
Evil birth plan?
So I am currently 7 months pregnant with pea #2 and have been thinking a lot about the whole birth process, hospital stay, blah blah - and I came up with an idea last night. When my water broke with pea #1, we called everyone on earth on our way to the hospital to let them know our son was on the way. Of course we had a whole entourage waiting at the hospital when we finally got there, it was very overwhelming, people were waiting, coming and going and of course my son didn't show up til 12 hours later. So last night, I was sitting on the couch watching Rock of Love Bus with Bret Michaels (don't laugh, you know you watch it!) and for some reason in the middle of half naked bimbos vomiting into various hotel toilets, I came up with my idea for pea #2's birth. I ran it by my husband who half paid attention (see above, half naked bimbos) but he seemed to really like the idea. So here it is - Instead of calling everyone and their brother when I go into labor, we keep it quiet, get to the hospital, have pea #2, then do the calling and announce that he has arrived. To me, this seems to make the whole process more intimate and involves only the immediate people that need to be involved; mainly my husband, myself and our son. That, unfortunately is where the problem lies as well. We have a 3.5 year old son and while I want him to be involved in as much as possible with his brothers' birth, I do not want him in the room during the whole pushing process. Personally, I don't even want to be in the room, but I have no choice. :) So we either will have to call 1 person to come watch him during that particular moment, or my husband won't be able to be in the room either. We haven't quite figured that part out yet, but we're working on it. Of course, there is also the ever-looming possibility that something could go wrong and the labor could last for 3 days, or I need a c-section, etc. etc. There isn't much you can plan when the inevitable happens.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Please Help Save Handmade!
Click here to go to Cool Mom Picks and read up on how to keep Congress from passing the new Consumer Products Safety Improvement Act. This is going to hurt so many people if it passes. So spread the word!